Prayer Requests

Today's Prayer Requests


Prayer Request from Margie Weber: Please pray for my neighbor, John Atkinson, 78 as he undergoes valve replacement 5/9. He had NEW, SUCCESSFUL eye surgery 4 weeks ago to remove floaters both eyes, so big , blinded 1 eye for years, Vision returning. PTL. A believer. Pray for Bob Foster, 67, colon cancer. Had colostomy in Nov, then 2 months of chemo w/ horrible side effects, now on week 2 of radiation. A believer and brave heart. Receiver of a quilt he gratefully takes to appts. Continued prayers of healing for Ashley Braun, 42, brutally stabbed in Dec. in NJ. 12 surgeries and many more to go. Next her hands and knees, arms, legs thru Fall. A believer, mother of 4. Receiver of a Quilt and treasures it. LASTLY I request healing for myself, for numerous medical issues, pain, rx side effects intolerable. 2 new specialists. Thank you who pray.

Prayer Request Form

We would be honored to pray for you or someone you know.